
lg350 Lg-350 
Our best product innovation so far.

With all the same features and benefits
of the Lg-300 boxes only you can
install it yourself 


  • Super simple installation.
  • You don't have to have any electrical knowledge or pay to hire an electrician to install the box, almost anyone can do it. 
  • If you can plug and unplug a lamp or tv, you can install this money saving little gray box in your home now and start saving money the same day you receive it.

It only takes about 5 min. to install. You simply unplug your electric dryer, plug the box into the already existing dryer plug, then plug your dryer into the Lg-350 and enjoy a lowered electric bill, longer lasting appliances, and peace of mind that you are using less electric and doing your part to keep our world a green place.


The Lg-350 carries a 15 year manufactures warranty.
And a 90 day money back guarantee if you don't save at least 8% off your bills.

dryer plug


  box plug  box plug  save money  save money box plug

Does your dryer plug looks like this.
Then you can use the easy to install
Lg350 in your home today.

    box plug  box plug box plug box plug box plug


If you have a differant plug, send us a clear pic of your plug
and we can make one special to work for your type of dryer plug. ($30




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extend the life of appliances








































 Review www.littlegraybox.com on alexa.com

 green powergreen home



go green